Monday, November 26, 2007


Macy is finally scooting forward! She's getting pretty fast too! I caught video of it tonight. She's also sayng dada, yaya, baba, and only mama when she's mad! She's standing up to things, and trying really really hard to pull herself up to everything. I have to start child proofing my house fast! I can't believe how much babies can learn in just a matter of days. I'm starting to get kind of sad that my baby's growing up so quickly! I guess I should just enjoy and capture the moments though.


The Parkers said...

AHHH Oh my word...that is so awesome...I love it!!

Leslie said...

Evie just started crawling too! Isn't it so crazy to see their little bodies moving like that? It is kind of surreal. And you are right, babies can learn so much in such a small amount of time. The night we came back from thanksgiving, we put her on the floor and she started crawling. She wasn't even trying and then she just started crawling. They are just growing up too fast! Too darn fast.